August 1, 2011

My Wrestling Manifesto

I have been a fan of Professional Wrestling since I was 4 years old (1991). 4 years old is also when my Professional Wrestling career took off. I believe I still hold the record for most victories over that couch pillow (before I was screwed out of the title at "Summerswam" by my cat, Daisy, arguably the worst special guest referee in history).

Wrestling, and the way I experience it, is all about live performance. Live performance by THE GREATEST ATHLETES IN THE WORLD. Some of the greatest PERFORMERS in the world. Without an OUNCE of RESPECT from the general public.

It is about moments of greatness. For me, it's not only about the current product/ storyline, but about the total equation. Like anything else in sports OR performance art, it isn't what's on the surface. The surface is merely the destination. Derek Jeter didn't start with 3,000 hits.

I'm interested in the journey. The journey of men (and a few women) who give their entire life to the mastery of an art, knowing they'll never be considered artists. Athletes who have trained their bodies to do impossible things only to be called fake.

All of it. for fleeting moments of greatness. To entertain us. The minority brave enough to call ourselves "wrestling fans" and shout it to the heavens. We share a very powerful experience.

I'd like to thank Edge for summing up my thoughts on wrestling just a few months ago. During his final farewell address, a career cut short by injuries suffered from a lifetime of tremendous sacrifice, he ran back up the ramp...wanting to do his entrance one last time. One last eruption through the curtain. One last explosion of energy from the fans.

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